Video Visit FAQ

Stay connected with your providers from the comfort of your home

Face-to-face video visits are a great way to continue your medical care while working remotely. Through video, you can get help with a range of primary and urgent care needs, including services to address:

  • Ongoing treatment of chronic conditions (such as allergies & asthma, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), metabolic syndrome, and stress)
  • Allergies and mild allergic reactions
  • Back or joint pain
  • Colds or flu
  • COVID-19 screening
  • Cuts or scrapes
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Rashes or skin conditions
  • Back or joint injuries
  • Upper respiratory infections (ear, nose, throat)
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Travel medicine consultations
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Women’s Health


Video visits cannot address all care needs as some care requires in-person examination. However, in these instances, video visits may be encouraged to start the care path and determine the next steps. You will then be able to follow-up with the same provider in-person at the Health Center, if needed. 


Unsure whether your care need is best addressed through a video or an in-person visit?
Contact our Personal Health Navigators for guidance. You can connect with a Personal Health Navigator using the chat feature in the web-based portal or the Health Center by Mount Sinai iOS and Android app. 


See below for tips on how to prepare for and initiate a video visit as well as troubleshoot in the event you have technical issues:


How do I book a video visit?
You may self-schedule a primary and urgent care video visit using either the web-based portal or the Health Center by Mount Sinai iOS and Android app. If you need assistance, our Personal Health Navigators are available by chat through the portal and the Health Center by Mount Sinai iOS and Android app. 


How should I prepare for a video visit?
Below are a few tips to make the most of your video visit: 

  • Optimize your connection and technology: Make sure your devices are charged and that you are in Wi-Fi range and connected. A poor connection will make the visit more challenging.
  • Prepare your space: A well-lit, quiet, and private place to conduct the visit is ideal.
  • Plan ahead: Similar to an in-person visit, make a list in advance of the topics you wish to discuss during your visit.
  • Collect some data: If applicable, and you have the available tools, check your “vital signs” before the visit. This includes checking your temperature with a home thermometer, and your blood pressure and heart rate with a home blood pressure and heart rate monitor.  
  • Be ready for a virtual physical exam. Wear clothing that can be removed easily if needed. Be sure you can move freely if the provider needs to examine body movements like a joint or walking. 
  • Consider having a trusted assistant: In certain situations it can help to have a family member or friend on hand to assist with the visit. This person can hold the camera while you move or walk or even press on a body part to check for tenderness.
  • Check in ahead of time. Checking in 5-10 minutes before the start of the visit can identify technical or other problems early, before the visit starts.


Will there be a co-pay for my video visit?
Copays will vary based on your insurance plan and the type of care you may need. 

Our Personal Health Navigators can assist you with price estimates and billing issues at any time. If you need assistance, please connect with a Personal Health Navigator by chat through the portal or the Health Center by Mount Sinai iOS and Android app. 


Is my healthcare information safe while participating in an online visit?
We use encrypted, HIPAA-compliant technology to connect you to our providers. No one is present in the room with the provider or listening on the line, so you can confidently discuss your health in privacy.

Joining the Video Visit


How do I join a video visit?
You can enter a video visit two separate ways:

Through the Health Center portal:

Through email/text reminder: 


Can I call into a video visit from any device?
You can join a video visit from a computer, phone (iOS or Android) or tablet. See the below table for compatible web browsers by device.

Computer or Android device Chrome
iOS phone or tablet Safari



What if I forget the password of my account?
Go to, enter your email address and press ‘reset password’. You will receive an email to the email address associated with your account to reset your password. Follow this link, reset your password and try logging in again.

If you need assistance, please connect with a Personal Health Navigator by chat through the portal or the Health Center by Mount Sinai iOS and Android app. 


What if I get locked out of my account?
If you have unsuccessfully attempted to log in to your account more than five times, your account will become locked. To restore your account access, please contact with a Personal Healthy Navigator either by phone or email. 


What if I can’t join the call / get an error message when trying to join?
Check that you are using a compatible web browser for your device: 

  • iOS device: Safari
  • Computer or Android device: Chrome

If you are having issues on a compatible device, check that your browser settings are set to ‘Allow’ for camera and microphone access.

If you need assistance, please connect with a Personal Health Navigator by chat through the portal or the Health Center by Mount Sinai iOS and Android app. 

During the Visit

What if I get disconnected unexpectedly?
If you get disconnected you will be taken back to the visit details page. Try clicking ‘Join video call’ again. If you are unable to rejoin, please let a Personal Health Navigator know by chat through the portal or the Health Center by Mount Sinai iOS and Android app. 


What if I can’t see the provider when I join?
Our providers are alerted when you join the video visit and will join the call at the visit start time. You will see a ‘waiting room’ screen until the provider joins.

If your provider is more than 10 minutes late to join the video visit, please let a Personal Health Navigator know by chat through the portal or the Health Center by Mount Sinai iOS and Android app. 


What if I have audio/camera/other issues during the call?
If you experience issues during the video call, press ‘Leave call’ and then rejoin using the ‘Join video call’ button. If you still experience issues when you rejoin, please let a Personal Health Navigator know by chat through the portal or the Health Center by Mount Sinai iOS and Android app and they will assist you.